Humanity has witnessed several approaches to the understanding of the Seven Rays influencing the evolutionary process on our planet. With each shift, in the cycles, impacting our solar system, humanity enters a new sphere of activity that strengthens their interaction with Shamballa and the Hierarchy. As humanity moves into an expanded state of consciousness, the field of perception begins to shift. The constructs which supported and guided us in the past have transformed and are now taking on and exhibiting a fresh dynamic mantle of light.
The arc of the Soul and its sphere of activity, during any given incarnation upon the earthly plane, is influenced by the rays. These rays will vary for each Soul and will often shift as the upward journey on the evolutionary spiral becomes a conscious reality. As the Soul realizes how these rays “Color” their earthly experience, a new perspective dawns in their awareness and they can embrace the strengths found within each.
A study of these rays will help in the identification of the guiding force overshadowing the Monad, Soul, and personality. Allow yourself ample time to reflect, during meditation, on the primary traits found in the personality and continue the journey into the exploration of the Soul and Monad.
Seven Keys to the Seven Ray Methods.
Ray 1
"Let the Forces come together. Let them mount to the High Place, and from that lofty eminence let the Soul look upon a world destroyed. Then let the word go forth: 'I will persist'."
Ray 2
"Let all the life be drawn to the Centre, and enter thus into the Heart of Love Divine. Then from that point of sentient Life, let the Soul realize the consciousness of God. Let the word go forth, reverberating through the silence: 'Naught is but Me!' "
Ray 3
"Let the Army of the Lord, responsive to the word, cease their activities. Let knowledge end in wisdom. Let the point vibrating become the point quiescent, and all lines gather into One. Let the Soul realize the One in Many, and let the word go forth in perfect understanding: 'I am the Worker and the Work, The One that Is! ' "
Ray 4
"Let the outer glory pass away and the beauty of the inner Light reveal the One. Let dissonance give place to harmony, and from the center of the hidden Light let the soul speak, let the word roll forth: 'Beauty and glory veil Me not. I stand revealed. I Am!' "
Ray 5
"Let the three forms of energy electric pass upward to the Place of Power. Let the forces of the head and heart and all the nether aspects blend. Then let the Soul look out upon the inner world of light divine. Let the word triumphant go forth: 'I mastered energy for I am energy itself. The Master and the mastered are but One.' "
Ray 6
"Let all desire cease. Let aspiration end. The search is over.
Let the Soul realize that it has reached the goal, and from that gateway to eternal Life and cosmic Peace let the word sound: 'I am the seeker and the sought. I rest.' "
Ray 7
"Let the builders cease their work. The Temple is completed. Let the Soul enter into its heritage and from the Holy Place command all work to end. Then in the silence subsequent let him chant forth the word: 'The creative work is over. I, the Creator, Am. Naught else remains but Me.' "
Once the personality ray has been identified and purification of the four bodies is underway, we can begin working on becoming Soul-infused. This is accomplished by practicing right thought, right speech, and right action (also known as the middle path) in our daily affairs. As these practices become a natural part of our consciousness, an expanded aspect of Soul-infusion is possible by releasing attachments, practicing divine dispassion, and becoming an Observer rather than an actor in life’s unfolding dramas. This will assist in creating a foundation that will support the construction of the antahkarana and the discovery of the Monad.
We offer this perspective, upon the Seven Rays, for your reflection and consideration. Should this brief outline inspire a desire of inquiry, you will find the journey an illuminating one.
Ray 1
The Ray of Power, Will or Purpose – Red
1st Ray - Red - The first ray is not presently in exoteric manifestation, and therefore there are very few (if any) first ray souls in incarnation. The first ray is called the ray of power and divine will. On the highest level the first ray is the first aspect of the trinity which is the Father. On human levels it is the ray of leadership, government, action, and adventure. It is also considered the ray of destruction, for the destruction of form, setting the imprisoned life or essence free. It is also the ray that governs the beginning and ending of cycles of activity. Thus, first ray personalities and those on other rays who can work effectively with first ray energies are relied upon for leadership.
Ray 2
The Ray of Love-Wisdom – Blue
2nd Ray - Blue -The second ray is called the ray of love-wisdom. On the primary level, the second ray functions as the second aspect of the divinity, (the cosmic Christ) the love and wisdom of God. The son (consciousness) is the result or product of the interaction of spirit (the father) and matter (the mother). The second ray is a ray of duality and the resolution of the various pairs of opposites. Being the ray of aspect, the second ray is the field of activity and influence of the world teacher (the Christ). The Christ is the leader of the spiritual hierarchy of the planet and is responsible for guiding the development and expansion of consciousness.
Ray 3
The Ray of Active Creative Intelligence – Green
3rd Ray - Green - The third ray is called the ray of active intelligence. On the primary level, the third ray is the third aspect of the trinity, the holy spirit. On that level the third ray is intelligence inherent in matter; it is the entire objective universe. On the secondary level of manifestation, the third ray demonstrates as the plane of divine mind (atma) and reflects itself into matter as the mental plane and the principle of manas (mind). The third ray is intricately connected with the animal kingdom, for it is the ray of evolution (adaptability) and activity. The third ray is a synthetic ray for the (minor) four rays of attribute, which may be considered as sub-rays of the third ray.
Ray 4
The Ray of Beauty and Harmony through Conflict -Yellow
4th Ray - Yellow - The fourth ray is called the ray of harmony through conflict. The fourth ray is the mystical ray of balance, between the inwardly directed rays (the first three rays) and the outwardly directed rays (the last three rays), and between each major ray and its reflection. This ray is a major factor in the life of the spiritual student whose task it is to balance the pairs of opposites and tread the middle path. In the objective world, the fourth ray is the ray of beauty, culture, and art. It is a ray of imagination, perception, dramatization, and expression. The fourth ray of duality is a ray of conflict, struggle, and instability leading to harmony, peace, balance, and stability. It is often a painful ray with many lessons for the human personality; it is a ray of crisis, tension, and challenge. With fourth ray energy the spiritual student gradually learns to control the emotional life and bring it into harmony with the dominant mind.
Ray 5
The Ray of Concrete Science or Knowledge – Orange
5th Ray - Orange -The energy of concrete knowledge or science. This energy has produced science and led to man’s comprehension of the natural world. Because it operates on the plane of the higher and lower mind and because "man" is literally "one who thinks", the 5th ray has special significance to humanity as we move into the New Earth narrative.
Ray 6
The Ray of Idealism or Devotion – Indigo
6th Ray - Indigo - The sixth ray is the ray of devotion and idealism. The sixth ray is a ray of personal love, desire, idealism, devotion, aspiration, and religion. This ray is a very mystical ray, in which the heart (love) that is centered on the astral plane is transformed into the heart that is centered on the intuitional plane. It is a most difficult ray to conquer, having many weaknesses and many stumbling blocks compounded by glamour; yet within the ray are the energies of overcoming that provide for liberation from the darkness of personal glamours and distractions. Being the ray of religion and a ray of attribute (objectivity), the sixth ray is the means through which religious teachings are revealed. It is clearly a ray of idealism, that is the objectification of (divine) ideas, but an idealism that is necessarily clouded by personal energies. Nevertheless, through religion and through the various ideals (limitations of ideas) man is given guidelines for seeking and (relative) goals to seek.
Ray 7
The Ray of Order or Ceremonial Magic – Violet
7th Ray - Violet - The seventh ray is called the ray of ceremonial order. The seventh ray is a ray of rhythm, magic, and organization. The seventh ray type includes the priest, the ceremonialist or ritualist, the occult magician, the politician, the producer, and the businessman. As a ray of extreme (physical) objectivity, the seventh ray is somewhat absorbed (distorted) by materialism. The lessons of the seventh ray will eventually lead to a liberation from the lower life based upon material things and phenomena, from the lower chaos (the unorganized) to ordered objectivity, and from ordered objectivity to the higher chaos (synthesized order or abstraction). One of the problems of the seventh ray is that through ceremony, ritual, pageantry, and bureaucracy, the individual or the group can easily lose sight of purpose, meaning (significance) and reality. As a ray of magic, the ray of ceremonial order is a ray of phenomena (psychism and spiritualism) that must be uplifted into a ray of mature spirituality and reverence. Magic based on selfish motives and ignorance (black magic) must be transmuted and transformed into magic based on unselfish motives and wisdom (white magic).