Shasta Trinity Ashram - World Service Meditations
Welcome to our page of loving education and service opportunities sponsored by the Shasta Trinity Ashram. As members of the New Group of World Servers (NGWS) and in alignment with the Divine Plan, our purpose is to link up with other Disciples and men and women of goodwill providing education and meditations on how to raise the level of human group consciousness. The four ideals of the NGWS are: group good, group understanding, group inter-relation, and group goodwill. If you feel the calling, please join one or more of our group gatherings. It matters not whether you are a student of the occult, the mystics or any other religious or spiritual traditions, all are welcome.
Click on the tabs below for more information about each service. All meetings are presented on the Zoom platform.
A Passage to Ponder on ...
"One star shone forth within the dark blue vault of heaven. Then another and still another could be seen until around the star were many shining points. The circle of the stars revolved and kept its place and darkness was around on every hand. Each star within its tiny orbit kept its place and slow revolved. Its contacts with the circle's edge proved adequate.
" 'There is but one great circle,' came a voice, 'not many little spheres. Some stars are small and time must feed their flame. Some stars are suns and shed their light on every hand. Seek out a sun and feed its life. Shed forth your rays and live.' " Discipleship in the New Age, January 1937, page 151
World Service
According to our Beloved Tibetan, Djwhal Khul, the greatest act of service is that of group World Service. Since this groups' inception in 2007, a weekly World Service vigil has been held with the sole purpose of transmitting forces of goodwill, right human relations and right action to humanity and our planet, according to the Divine Plan directed from Shamballa and Hierarchy. If you are new to our group, this meditation would be a good place to start.
World Service Distribution of Light and Love - Every Wednesday, 9:00 am PST
Esoteric Lessons
The lesson chosen for our current study, The Rays and Initiations, comes from the collection of Ageless Wisdom books of Alice A. Bailey, written in cooperation with the Tibetan teacher, Djwhal Khul between 1919-1949. In this study, we are revisiting rules 11-14 related to Group Initiation. These lessons are specifically directed towards disciples and initiates who are interested in learning how to be liberated from the various forms of planetary life and ultimately proceed upon his/hers chosen Path of development and service within the universe. Outlined on this website are the 5 Stages of Meditation that are recommended in preparation for each lesson. We meditate and contemplate on one rule each week, and explore further our impressions, questions and revelations with the group.
The Rays and Initiations, Rules 11-14, by Alice A. Bailey - Every Wednesday, 10:00 am PST (Immediately following World Service)
Books are available online or to purchase at, or on Amazon.
Full Moon Meditations
A New Approach - Lighting the Way
Since 2007, members of our Ashram have been gathered in weekly world service anchoring love, light, peace and goodwill for humanity and the lower kindgdoms. Join us in strengthing this funnel of light
Full/New Moon Meditation
A New Approach - Lighting the Way
Moon Meditation Ritual Handout
Full/New Moon Keynotes - Dates & Times
Aquarius Keynote - Water of Life am I, poured forth for thirsty men.
12-Feb Full Moon (1:53 pm GMT) Meditation Date & Time: 11-Feb - Pacific 5:05 PM / Eastern 8:05 PM
Pisces Keynote - I leave the Father's home and turning back, I save.
13-Mar Full Moon (6:54 am GMT) Meditation Date & Time: 13-Mar - Pacific 5:05 PM / Eastern 8:05 PM
Aries Keynote - I come forth and from the plane of mind, I rule.
13-Apr Full Moon (12:22 am GMT) Meditation Date & Time: 12-Apr - Pacific 5:05 PM / Eastern 8:05 PM
Taurus Keynote - I see and when the eye is opened, all is light.
12-May Full Moon (4:55 pm GMT) Wesak Festival Date and Time: 12-May - Pacific 9:30 AM/Eastern 12:30 PM
Gemini Keynote - I recognise my other self and in the waning of that self, I grow and glow.
11-Jun Full Moon (7:43 am GMT) Christ Festival Date and Time: TBD
Join the New Group of World Servers in two redemptive meditations. One focused solely on preparing the way for the reappearance of the Christ and the other redistributing the flow of money from material ends to that of Divine plan and Hierarchical purpose.
Redemptive Meditation Upon Preparation For The Reappearance Of The Christ
Every Thursday 9:00 am Pacific Time / 12:00 Eastern Time
Zoom Link - Reappearance of the Christ Meditation
Redemptive Meditation On Attracting Money For Hierarchical Purposes
Every Sunday 9:00 am Pacific Time / 12:00 Eastern Time
Zoom Link - Attracting Money for Hierarchical Purposes
Click here for the suggested format of these meditations outlined on